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What Are Rubber Mats?

Rubber mats are pieces of flat rubber designed to be placed over a surface for the purpose of creating traction and protecting that surface from damage. They are available in many different forms and designs depending on their intended use. They are made of a wide...

How Rubber Flooring Is Manufactured

Rubber floors are great for absorbing impacts which makes them popular in areas that experience high volume foot traffic as well as gyms and weight rooms. This cushioning effect also helps make long periods of standing less taxing on the body reducing fatigue and...

Choosing Rubber Tiles For Your Basement

Rubber tiles are one of the most popular flooring options for a number of reasons. They offer traction, a forgiving surface, and superior durability. They are also available in a wide variety of colors, patterns and profiles to add design flair to any room. In...

The Benefits of Rubber Roof Tiles

Rubber roof tiles are not something that most homeowners are familiar with. As a result, many make poor purchasing decisions that can lead to unsatisfactory results in the end. To avoid these problems, homeowners must arm themselves with all of the necessary...

Interlocking Rubber Tiles

When it comes to rubber flooring, interlocking tiles are a great option for many applications. They’re affordable, easy to install, and offer a variety of features. They’re also flexible, allowing you to adjust the floor’s size and shape as needed. And since they...

How to Install Rubber Patio Tiles

Rubber patio tiles are a safe, affordable, and sustainable option for your outdoor space. They’re ADA compliant, and they don’t contain any metal, wood, or harsh chemicals that can cause reactions in people with sensitive skin or allergies. Safety...